Those little fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries; the same ones that many women do not even know about – can actually grow to a size where they start to become of a nuisance to their owner. However, the good news is that around 95{1bba59ef0f837d981c3bbc138a719a91ccf1421d7c126b09b2d5ffa1685c30db} of them are usually benign (non-cancerous).
Due to this benign factor, most ovarian cysts are never actually treated, as they tend to clear-up by themselves. However, that is not a good enough reason to not help them on their journey to non-existence and out of the body. So, what can be done by their owners to help get rid of them?
The following are simple remedies that can help destroy ovarian cysts:
1. Home Remedies – are abundant these days (many are actually very safe to use and come with excellent results). For example, the following is a very good one to try:
One teaspoon of burdock root, mothertwort leaf, red raspberries, and vitex berries (in tincture form [natural extract]) mixed together (total 4-teaspoons) taken half a dropper’s worth once or twice a day is particularly effective. Vitex leaf tea, and chamomile tea may at the same time be used to soothe the muscles and relieve any pain.
2. Dietary Change – which may include the foregoing of such things like: alcohol, coffee, and a reduced sugar intake can noticeably help to heal ovarian cysts. In addition, the intake of vitamins such as: vitamins A and B can also show beneficial effects. As is with a good consumption of salads (plenty of carrots and tomatoes) on a weekly basis (salads are also beneficial to the body in general).
3. Hormonal Treatments – such as taking the birth pill is another excellent form of treatment (hormones found to be in contraceptive pills can help prevent the formation of ovarian cysts [they are also believed to help shrink ovarian cysts under certain circumstances]). However, birth pill recommendations should only come from a qualified doctor or health adviser, as they may not be suitable for every woman.
Methods to relieve pain may include the following:
- Over-the counter medicines – Ibuprofen or Tylenol (two effective anti-inflammatory medicines).
- Warmth – of a bath, the use of heat-pads, or a hot water bottle placed to the pelvic region (an effective way to relax the muscles and help stimulate circulation [a certain healing procedure may also occur]).
- Avoid strenuous activity – that may cause a cyst to either twist or burst (sometimes strenuous activities can cause a benign cyst to become much more of a problem).
Note: Visit a doctor at regular intervals to check the cyst/s are not growing (malignant cysts [cancerous] if diagnosed will usually be removed surgically).